Friday, November 14, 2008

Sweet Aroma

This is the full version of an email interchange between three ladies. I thought I would include the whole thing because it was so cool to me that as I was telling two friends of mine what an encouragement to me another lady was, my friend Jen agreed and said yeah lets call her right now and tell her. So she picked up the phone and called her up and said we were sitting her talking about how God has gifted you with being an encourager to others and the next day she wrote this in response. I loved that Jen was smart enough to right then and there pick up the phone and encourage the encourager with our compliments.

Hello Ladies,

Jen, you were so nice to call me this evening. I am very excited that you three consider me an encourager. I am so blessed by this, because I feel like you are my encouragers. Well, I am just very excited that God led me to the Bible studies at our church instead of Community Bible Study ( which I loved, but didn't feel connected at church). Yeah! You are GREAT! I received this word today and I thought of Beth Moore's teaching this morning and my wonderful friends. You are a part of a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

“For we are the sweet fragrance of Christ which exhales unto God…” (Psalm 42:1).

Did you know that your life is a sweet fragrance to God? Think about how a wonderful aroma affects you personally. When it’s springtime and the flowers are blossoming, everything feels new again. The sweet aroma in the air is a sign that the flowers are fresh and alive. It catches your attention! It makes you want to take a deep breath and partake of the wonderful sweet fragrance. God feels the same way about you! He loves wonderful aromas and when you are living your life to please Him, it’s a beautiful fragrance that captures His attention! Just like the aroma in springtime is a sign that the flowers are alive, the aroma of your life is a sign that Christ is alive in you. It is pleasing to the Father!

The next time you experience a fresh fragrance, remember that your life is a fragrance unto God. You can rest in knowing that He is pleased with a heart that seeks after Him. As you continue to seek Him, you’ll be that sweet fragrance and you’ll experience His wonderful hand of blessing in every area of your life. ( Why I love to paint flowers sooo much)

Father in Heaven, I come to You today surrendering all that I am. May everything I do please You and be a wonderful fragrance to You. Keep me close to You today and always. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

My Response:
OHHH and Dana, remember the smell of that fresh lavender that someone
had brought over to your house that was lying on your table it smelled
so good. It was just lying there fresh picked but since it wasn't
sitting in any water it was all wilted but it still smelled lovely so
even when we are all weary and wilted we still smell good to the Lord
(at least to someone the most important someone!). Thank You so much
for sharing this Kim you are such a blessing, you all are such a
blessing to me!!!! I kept going on and on to my sister of how excited
I am to actually have Christian friends for the first time in my life
and what a difference it is! A*

Dana's response:
I do remember that lavender. I kept it until this morning. It still smelled sweet, even though the leaves were dry and brittle. :)

I love you ladies! I am so blessed to have you in my life to encourage me and speak His truth! I pray that today God blesses you beyond your dreams. :)


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