Monday, November 24, 2008

Fiber One

"Let not soft slumber close your eyes,
Before you've collected thrice
The train of action through the day!
Where have my feet choose out their way?
What have I learnt, where'er I've been,
From all I've heard, from all I've seen?
What have I more that's worth the knowing?
What have I done that's worth doing?
What have I sought that I should shun?
What duty have I left undone,
Or into what new follies run?
These self-inquiries are the road
That leads to virtue and to God." --Isaac Watts: Self Examination

Fiber One

So I like Fiber One Cereal and it so happens to be quite expensive around $4.87 or so I think, I rarely buy it full price. I usually wait till it is on sale and then stock up. In the Sunday paper it
announced it was on sale 3 for $7 at Walgreens so I went that very day to stock up. Make your guess now as to how many I ended up buying. Okay remember it. I went to the downtown location and was very dismayed to find that they did not have any in stock after asking the employee (kinda an embarrassing thing to ask if it is in stock and then show extreme disappointment that it is out of stock, she looked at me like I had issues, uuhh understandably, I might add)

The next day I went to the one near my house on Nifong and they had two boxes on the shelf and then I asked an employee if they had any more in the back. The good looking guy was all giggles and said "Yeah we have a lot in the back how much do you want...?" I kinda stammered around and said "Umm, I guess I don't know really." So he walked into the back of the store smirking and laughing. He came back holding a box all smiles and said "Well this is all we have-- ten boxes. You want to grab a couple out...?" I stood there totally red while another employee was looking on with obvious amusement.

I didn't know what to do or how many to get and I looked imploringly at him and said "Uh, how many do you think I should get?" He said, "I don't know, how much do you like it?" It was all they could do not to laugh completely in my face. I said "Well maybe I should get 9, huh?"
They were shocked. "9, really?" "Well, yes and you could put the other 3 on the shelves so that other customers could buy them because you don't have any stock out right now." Since I currently had the two boxes that were previously on the shelf in my basket.

They think I am insane that I am suggesting purchasing 9 boxes of Fiber cereal. I must have serious blockage in my bowels and my brains but at least I am a considerate consumer. As I am following him down the aisle so that he can put 3 boxes up on the shelf I change my mind and say, "Oh heck I will just take the whole box, never mind, just give me all 12!"
"Really" the cute guy is trying so hard not to laugh, he is having so much fun. I can just see they can't wait for me to leave so they can talk about this, the crazy chick buying them out of all their Fiber One cereal. "Yes, really just give me the whole box, all twelve."

So my polite little helper ever so sweetly takes the two boxes out of my basket and squeezes them into the big box and a cart it and my red face to the check out. Thankfully nobody was in line to comment on my love of Fiber One and I made some excuse to the check out girl about how it was great in salads and on yogurt, which is true, though I never actually do this. So the point of this, Oh so embarrassing story, as I was lying in bed thinking about my shopping addiction and my problem with "stocking up", I thought about this, what if Jesus came back tomorrow? Why did I buy 12 boxes of Fiber One if I want to live like Jesus is coming tomorrow? I don't think I will need Fiber One in heaven. So if I am trying to bring heaven to earth do I really need all this fiber?

Luke 1:19-21 “And I'll say to myself, "You have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry. But God said to him, 'You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?' This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich toward God."
Heaven helped me May 2008
Love Always,

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