Monday, November 24, 2008

Divine Appointments

As I shared with many of you previously about feeling like I don't have as many divine appointments like I constantly had in Lakeland, as usual the Lord set me straight. Yesterday before I went to KC, my aunt was running late so I decided to run to Walgreens. When I reached the checkout I joked to the cashier that everything I was purchasing had a coupon. First thing she rang up was 6 boxes of cereal (and yes three of them were Fiber One and no, I haven't run out yet). She said that they were all different prices and the coupon wouldn't work on them. So I said I am sorry never mind then on those I don't want to buy them.

As she was ringing them back up to void them off my receipt, an older woman (70+) behind me said, "I would like to buy those for you, if you would let me." I was so surprised and touched by her sweetness and said, "That is soooo sweet of you but that's okay, thank you anyway." Then I kept chatting with her, asking her name etc...I couldn't pronounce it but she couldn't pronounce mine either so we were good. Bells were ringing in my head as to...

"Hello...Divine appointment here, you aren't in a bad mood in line at the DMV can do this."

So I took my purchases out to my car and waited for her to come out and then I chased her down in the parking lot. (Literally that little lady could move, I had to run to catch up with her). I tried to butcher her name as I dashed up and then just sputtered out, "Is there anything I can pray with you about?" She looked at me and smiled and said, "Well, I guess good health." I don't think she was expecting me to do it right then and there and my whole shutting my eyes technique when I pray really comes in handy because then I don't see the surprise or shock in people's eyes, which would totally distract me.

So I reached out and put my hand on her arm, bowed my head and squeezed shut my eyes and went for it. I prayed for good health and that the Lord would bless her, etc. I opened my eyes as I was finishing and saw that she was smiling and had her head bowed too. I said, "Thank you again for offering to buy my cereal that was really nice, hope you have a great day." I bounced off feeling all proud of myself that I went for it and did it..(never a good sign, pride cometh before a fall).

I got into my car and felt like something was in my nose so I flipped down the mirror. Sure enough, bat in the cave! Big bat in the cave! I thought the poor little lady probably had her head bowed and was smiling because she was trying to dodge large debris from falling out of my nose.

Be careful what you pray about because after reading about King David being willing to make a fool of himself for the Lord, I told Him I was willing to do the same...Watch out the Lord hears your prayers and answers them all the time. Trust me, this fool knows it to be true! Lord I am still willing to be a fool for you any day, please just let me be an effective servant ready and willing to do your promptings. Hope you have a blessed and bat free day!

Heaven helped me 11/22/08
Love Always A*

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