Monday, November 24, 2008

Sea of people

After reading part of Phil Schaffer's Boston marathon race report which is a break down of what he is feeling at each mile:
Race Report (excerpt) from :graceman
Mile 4 -(Pace 7:15) - People are calling out my name because I taped it to my jersey. I give them a thumbs-up so as not to expend too much energy. It's helpful to hear your name called, but it's here that I realize I should have put Forrest instead of Phil. That would have really gotten the crowd going - Run Forrest Run!
Mile 9 -(Pace 7:12) - I ran faster this mile but I don't know why. We've been rounding a number of curves and I have been trying to look ahead and see which way they are turning so I can do the tangents. I really enjoy looking ahead and seeing a massive sea of people.

I wrote the following email to him.
So I started reading your marathon report and first off I LOVE your email address. So clever, witty and well, so many things come to mind...ask me sometime what the sign language sign is for grace it is really cool. But when I read this line from your marathon report it hit me like a ton of bricks and I want to write a whole bunch of stuff about it. ---"I really enjoy looking ahead and seeing a massive sea of people."

---I instantly stopped reading your email because I didn't want to sully the image and feeling that this one line was giving me. Instead I thought I should share it with you, now. Profound one liners are really having an affect on me, as of late. Dan Barraco tried to compliment me on being a good writer (I say tried because I didn't take it to well, but I am trying to now in my own way) and I guess it has opened me up to just going for it and sharing whatever I feel in writing, apparently exactly --when I feel it. So I will pray that the Lord will use it for His glory and good. I guess for one I should mention that when I was sitting in the dance performance on Friday night that I wrote this and I think it really goes along with exactly your line.

Lord, let this "Heaven on earth be the revival I'm looking for, I'm praying for, I have faith for, I have belief for! Let it be big, let it be huge, let it be monumental, let it change history, let it change the way we live our lives now and forever and our children ever after. Let it be another outpouring of your Holy Spirit that causes an awakening in our hearts, minds, and very souls so that we open our eyes to a new way of seeing how to live our day to day lives. So that we change, really change, not just for one day or two but for every day after, change our habits, change our hearts, change our minds, change our steps, change our very breaths, to live and walk out and work to bring Your heaven, Your kingdom, Your good, Your Works, Your Will, On earth as it is in Heaven!
So ...
"I really enjoy looking ahead and seeing a massive sea of people." I want to look ahead and see this massive sea of people doing THIS running to the Lord and in the Lord, and in His Will and to His will, and by His Word and in His Word. I want His Holy Spirit to be in their I-pod earphones, the sounds in their heads and in their hearts which they are hearing, listening to, singing and obeying. That it is the call of the Lord, His voice that is their musical motivator which keeps them running the race set before them. That the Lord picks them up when they are weary, He is their Gatorade station and goo stops along the mile markers. Members of the church are the voices in the crowd screaming your name cheering you on, some because they know and love you and some just because your name is on your jersey. I am one of them; And I am going hoarse with yelling for you to run the greatest race for His glory.

As I have said before, I can "conceive us walking out great works of God in our lives!"** We are, we can and we will, I know it, believe it and can't wait to see it!!!
**(this is a phrase Phil used in an awesome message)
Heaven helped me 5/3/2008
Love Always, A*

Here is what Audrey Barraco added on....
Thanks for sharing your inspirations from Holy Spirit. They so encourage me and make me more hungry for the glory of God. I immediately was reminded of Hebrews 11 where the writer chronicles some of the "heros of the faith" and their struggles and victories on their journey. He then goes into chapter 12:1,2 calling them the "great crowd of witnesses", and refers to our journey as a "race."

“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God”. Hebrew 12:1-2

I can just imagine all the saints who've made it to heaven as well as those still here below - witnesses - calling out my name, urging me on, handing me a cool drink, refreshing my body and soul when the sun is beating down on me and the wind tries to hold me back and every part of my body says - "what's the point, you don't have to do this, just quit running and take it easy."
Keep on listening to Holy Spirit's voice and sharing what He gives you because in doing that you are fulfilling some of what Hebrews 10:24,25 tells us to be doing “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”
Love you.....Audrey

Heaven helped me and Audrey 5/3/2008
Love Always A*

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