Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I love to eat and therefore love to cook. I would consider myself a pretty good gourmet and would describe my style as a kind of Macgyver chef. For all you young-uns, Macgyver was a show on tv from 1985-1992 (gotta love Google) in which the main character was a secret agent who could fabricate anything using everyday household objects. I think I remember him zip lining out of a burning building with a tube sock and building explosives with Duracell batteries, paper clips (he was always using paper clips for every thing) and pennies. I can never find a paper clip to save my life but he would find one in a cow pasture during a tornado.

I digress, but the general idea is I can take whatever random things I find in my pantry and fridge and usually whip something up that is pretty tasty. For instance the other day I made a steak, Gorgonzola, avocado and steak frittata using my leftover fillet and Gorgonzola from dinner the night before. It was divine. I scooped it out of the pan and as I was watching the steam come off of it, I stood there slowly licking the spatula. I started thinking why am I wasting my time licking off the little tidbits stuck to the spatula when I have a hot and mouth watering whole plate of real food in front of me.

I realized though that by spending the time being, oh so unsophisticated—you don't see Martha Steward licking the spoons on her cooking show- I was giving my hot, hot dish time to cool off. I can't dive into my steamy steak concoction without dire consequences to the taste buds on my tongue. After dumping the deliciousness on my plate I had scraped up the crispy bits of avocado still clinging to the pan and this was what I was paying particular attention to removing so uncouthly from the utensil.

These flaky pieces can not really be enjoyed any other way. They just are not as crisp if you scrap them on top of all the other food because the heat and steam softens them up. And after you use a little elbow grease and angling to free them from the pan they are sufficiently cool and ready for entry into your mouth. Obviously, you have to be careful and not instantly put the hot spatula in your mouth either and risk reaping the fuzzy white sweater of numb tongue, in which you have a bunch of dead, worthless taste buds hanging out not doing their job, just hindering taste enjoyment and feeling funny.

What do I see in this...sometimes restraint in stopping yourself from rushing headlong into something, and not diving into the steaming hot dish is a better course of action. Sometimes not being a class act has benefits. For instance one of my deals with God is whenever he tells me to get on my knees I do it. This has proved interesting at times. For instance after an emotionally draining long, long day while out of town, I finally got on the elevator to go up to my hotel room. I felt the Holy Spirit say get on your knees, I very begrudgingly got on my knees raised my hands to heaven and cried out “What do you want from me.”

Yeah, not a very good attitude. Thankfully the doors didn't open at that exact moment and scare some group of kids on their way out to hit the town. Now maybe if they had seen me whining to God on my knees in the elevator it would have made them think twice about whatever trouble they might have been up too at that time of night. But like I said the doors didn't open. I pretty much instantly felt remorseful about my attitude and I think I said I was sorry.

Either way the next day was awesome so when I found myself alone again going up to my room I was so happy that I got back on my knees in that same elevator and thanked the Lord and apologized again for being a brat the day before. Obviously part of the reason I was especially rude about it was the fear of looking like a complete fool if the doors did open and people were standing there. That was part of it and the other part was I was tired, cranky, and worn out... but what's new.

After reading in 2 Samuel 6:21 about David saying, “I will celebrate before the Lord. I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes.” I told the Lord I would be a fool for Him, that I would do whatever He asks and not let what others might think of my actions hold me back. As I have said many a time the Lord answers prayers so be careful what you pray for because He is listening, I obviously do not actually follow this advice.

I say “Bring it on, Lord, bring it on, whatever you got I will take it!”
For instance I was walking up to the entrance of a store yesterday and I was thinking about someone I had been praying for healing for the last couple of days and I started praying in tongues* out loud. I don't think I really thought about it or realized that I was until I noticed a guy standing near the door on his cell phone staring at me all wide eyed with his mouth gaping open. I just started laughing and smiled and opened the door and walked into the store and really started laughing.

As in the elevator what do you say to someone who sees or hears you doing something like this. In either case I don't even have a witty something to say, other than I told the Lord I would be a fool for Him and he is answering my prayers.
Titus 3:1 “Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men.”

Heaven helped me on 6/1/08
Love Always,
*If you have no idea what “praying in tongues” is the previous “google” it suggestion applies. Just put in-- Holy Spirit speaking in tongues. I got this link when I did it, which was pretty good.
And to the person I once referred to the Holy Spirit as “a whole can of worms we can discuss later” it's looking like later to me, if you want to give me a call.

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