Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Freedom Day

Last night I had an epiphany while brushing my teeth. I was actually going to embrace and celebrate what fourth of July is all about, it is about Freedom and Independence. America broke free from mother England and began to formulate it's own type of government and became a self governing country way back when on July 4, 1776. I decided I was going to have my own “freedom day” and do whatever I wanted.

After all it is a holiday and I don't have to go into work, so I should be ready to light some bottle rockets and let go, right? I had been asked by various friends to go out of town and do the typical stuff of bar-b-cues, bikinis, and fireworks etc. I had even accepted some of these invitations with rather wishy-washy maybes. What I realized though is that I really didn't feel like doing ANY of those things. I didn't want to drive anywhere with gas so pricey, I didn't feel like cooking and I just didn't feel like doing anything. If I was honest, what I really wanted to do was stay at home and clean my house and organize my closet, two things I have been putting off forever. I now live an exciting life!

As I was polishing away on the pearly whites I thought to myself why do I think I should go out of town and do “something.” Who am I trying to please? Am I afraid I won't sound “cool” whenever everybody asks me what I did or am doing for the 4th ? Am I worried they will think I have no friends and no life? I shouldn't care what they think. My friends will forgive me for not coming to visit, they are nice and understanding. Am I really that afraid of letting them down or of their disapproval? The 4th of July is just a day like any other on a calendar and it is all about what you make of it and how you celebrate it. I want to celebrate it as Freedom day in which I am free to do what I like and not care about what anyone else thinks about it. Only God's opinion matters.

I came to the earth rumbling revelation that I needed to stop living my life seeking other's approval and only desire God's approval. His is the only one that matters. My whole life I have looked at everything through the lenses of my parent's eyes in seeing what they would see and what they would think.

Not that I did what I thought they would approve of but I constantly assessed situations with their opinions in mind. I felt the Lord clearly tell me I needed to shatter those lens and see things for myself and see things with my own eyes. See clearly for yourself. Stop seeking your parents approval or anyone else's.

“Today's man or woman must get his or her approval from God only. 'How can you believe if you accept praise from one another, yet make no effort to obtain the praise that comes from the only God?” (John 5:44) The Anointing by R.T. Kendall)”

Freedom day doesn't just have to be tomorrow it can be everyday, hopefully you are already free! Lord reveal to us right now the ways in which we bind and keep ourselves from not fully living the incredible lives you want us to live. Free us Lord from whatever is holding us back from more and more and more of you. Happy Freedom Day and God Bless You!!!

Heaven helped me 7/3/08
Love Always,

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