Friday, December 12, 2008

Handle It

I just walked into the break-room at work and a woman was talking on the phone and she was asking the other person on the line in a very concerned way, “Can you handle it, can you handle it?” She repeated it a few times. I thought to myself I hope that person is okay and I hope they CAN handle it.

What if I was asked that question before I undertook things? What if God asked me that before he gave me something-- what would be my real, true and honest answer? How often would I sell myself short and say, “No, I can not do that, I can't take it, and more importantly I don't want to do it.

My mother tells me that when I was little and got really mad I would say, “I am going to go lay down in street and when I get run over, you are going to be sorry.” I think I must have dreamed that up after watching to much Wiley Coyote and Road Runner cartoons.

Unfortunately I still think that the give up, go lay in the street attitude is still part of my chemical makeup. If something seems really hard, too big to tackle, or extremely unpleasant, I just want to scream, “Aaaahhhh, I can't do it- don't make me- I give up!”

Lately in the midst of my whining I try and remember that other people really have a lot to handle and they do so with grace. “Saints are persons who make it easier for others to believe in God”-Nathan Soderblom

I constantly look at these two blogs of some “saints” and try and learn from others lives:

I look to Amanda's to be inspired on courage and joy in the midst of cancer.

And I look to my bro-in-law for a good laugh on how to juggle 4 girls, 3 under the age of two.

I don't know what they all might have said had they been asked if they could handle it, but they are handling it—Beautifully.

I am sure there are ups and downs, highs and lows, doldrums and typhoons on a day to day basis; but I think because of the solid bedrock of the love and constancy of the Lord in their lives they shine with a testimony that proclaims, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!”

“A true saint is a divine landscape or picture, where all the rare beauties of Christ are lively portrayed and drawn forth. He hath the same spirit, the same judgment, the same will with Christ.”-Thomas Watson

“God could have kept Daniel out of the lion's den...He could have kept Paul and Silas out of jail—He could have kept the three Hebrew children out of the fiery furnace....But God has never promised to keep us out of hard places....What He has promised is to go with us through every hard place, and to bring us through victoriously.” --Merv Rosell

Lord please help me to have a better attitude with whatever comes my way and enable me to handle more and more and in return give more and more. Please give strength and encouragement to all the weary saints and give them abundant joy and peace deep down in their core.

God bless you today!
Love Always,
Heaven helped me 11/1/08

Be that as it may, I constantly sign up and volunteer for all kinds of different things. If someone asks me to help with something I rarely say no. I like helping, I really do. I once tried to examine all my motives to see if they were selfish, glory seeking or because I want everyone to like me which I am sure there is a little of all of those in there, but really and truly I like helping. Ever since first grade where I learned the golden rule I have tried to live it. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

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