Thursday, January 29, 2009


What is reality really? Everyone shapes and perceives reality within their own framework, understanding, and unique viewpoint. But real, true reality is not so manipulated, it is the Ultimate- it is WHAT IS. It is undeniable, undisputed and the only truth. But how often do we really see it, understand it or see the truth in it?

Do you hear a dog whistle, can you see a sound wave or infrared light. What if you could see a bad smell...who and what might we avoid. (I would never enter the employee bathroom if that were the case.) Are you feeling the earth spinning? Do you have the sudden urge to fly south for the winter? Do you feel a magnetic attraction to certain earth elements?

The thing is we are incapable of seeing or perceiving so many things that are happening around us right now. This instant can you see the oxygen you are breathing that is so essential to all life on this planet...can you feel your own basic, chemical elements? I am really feeling my carbon today, and I think my phosphorus is a little low, I don't even want to know about my sulfur content right now.

If you stared and stared could you ever see the scope of the celestial samba streaking all across space. Are you hearing all the meteors burning by or can you only wish upon their brief light. It is all happening right now around you. The moon is pulling ocean waves close and thrusting them away. Do you feel that pull? Just because you are not seeing it or feeling it does not mean it isn't true. Just because you can not understand it does not mean it isn't a fact, an indisputable truth.

I love the bigness, the vastness, the incomprehensibleness of our world. I mean look again at that word it is pretty big and hard to understand...I am having a hard time comprehending what all I can't comprehend.

God revealed himself to Moses at the burning bush and said, "I AM WHO I AM". God didn't give his pedigree or an explanation of Himself, He didn't have to because He is God. I don't think Moses doubted Him or His existence for a minute. The Hebrew name for God that comes from Moses encounter is Yahweh (YHWH) from the verb "to be" or "to exist". God shows how He is independent of our revelation and acknowledgment.

Isn't the younger generations perpetual whine to the older, "you will never understand me." Yahweh never whines about this. He knows we will never fully understand Him for it is beyond our capacity.

Moses didn't need a five page essay on who and what God is and does, all God had to say is "I AM WHO I AM". What do we all need to believe? What are you waiting you need that ray of sunshine from heaven to burn a bush... I don't know, maybe you do. I am so thankful that I already know it in every cell of my oxygen, carbon, and sulfur body. I know and believe and don't need to see, hear or feel anything more to know He exists. But in my reality I have already seen, heard and felt so much of His beauty, love and greatness that I know HE IS. He is and always will be unto infinity and I can't even understand infinity.

Somebody else said it all much better so I will just let him say it:

"We have been saying that the Christian does not stand on the ground of condemnation, that he is not under the law, that he has been taken out of the old creation, and freed from the Satanic realm of darkness and oppression. As we turn to the Word of God we find that is categorically declared that the Christian is before the Father in the Risen Christ enjoying the same favor as the Son whose throne he shares, for he has been made to sit together with his Savior in heavenly places. This and no other is the immeasurably exalted position of the Christian.

But this is a faith position. It is received by faith and held by faith. Faith does not make it real. It is real whether the Christian believes it or not. It is real because God who cannot lie declares it to be so. Whether the Christan accepts it or not is in a sense beside the point. His attitude does not affect reality. However, to enter into the enjoyment of this glorious position he must believe what God says about it. Faith, as we read in Hebrews 2:1, is the substance of things hoped for." Reigning with Christ by F.J. Huegel

I hope you see the real reality of God and His son Jesus and what we as Christians are really meant for. I hope you can sense, feel and hear all that our Heavenly Creator wants to reveal to you. Lord, please, I beg you to show yourself to us all in a new, powerful and undeniable way. Help us to see where we as Christians truly stand with you and help us to lead others to this understanding. Enlarge my comprehension, expand my ability to know, love and seek you. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer.

Heaven helped me 1/28/09
God bless you immeasurably!

~~D. Jones shared some great insights in response to this:

"Wow -- such wonderful thoughts. I loved the book quote you included, especially where he said, "Faith does not make it real. It is real whether the Christian believes it or not. It is real because God who cannot lie declares it to be so." That is so true. That is true whether or not I feel loved, whether or not I feel safe, whether or not I feel like I can accomplish something, whether or not I feel accepted. The reality is that I AM loved, safe, able in Him to do whatever needs to be done, and I AM accepted. And it will always be that way, because He doesn't change.

Something that I began realizing a few years ago is how flipped our thinking often is regarding reality. In His presence, I begin realizing that what seems real most often isn't, and what seems like an unrealistic fantasy actually is real. My feelings, unchecked, gravitate to the things that seem real, but aren't (discouragement, feelings of aloneness, anxiety, etc.). But the true reality is that I always have a reason to hope, I'm never alone, He Himself is my peace, and on and on.
Thanks for letting out all the treasures He's packed inside you. You're a great treasure chest."

D. Jones


  1. Good to read you again.
    Of course, Jesus is reality. Faith is the gifted vehicle to begin to comprehend Reality. All fine and good, on and on.....

    You have a great way with words written and probably spoken also.

    My favorite story so far is the fiber one story.

    Please keep the "stories" coming, they lighten my day and bring me back to reality......

    Question? Was Jesus ever constipated?

  2. Read the book Tragedy and Hope A History of The World in Our Time for a broader sense of reality.

  3. Funny how I just read this tonight. The message I am giving at Bible study this week is about Truth, and how it is not relative as the world would have you believe. :)
