Monday, May 11, 2009

Mom Imitation

"As we offer our small rejoicing For the love that surrounds our days, All the wonderful works of Thy goodness Shall open before our gaze; Through the gates of our narrow thanksgiving We shall enter Thy courts of praise." --Annie J. Flint

A couple of days ago I spent some time with two of my ten-year old friends. I often ask them what is the favorite part of our time together when I am taking them home. I want to get an idea of what they especially enjoyed and file it away mentally for future reference. Usually everybody has something different that is their favorite part and it typically involves laughing.

My favorite part this past time was when we all gave imitations of our mothers. It started because as Serena* was telling a story about her mom she was doing a great impersonation of her accent and dialect. It was a dead on duplication of her, which made it absolutely hilarious to me. I have always thought she was good at mimicking but I hadn't heard her do an impersonation. It so tickled me that I did my own rendition of my dear sainted mother.

When I tell a story and talk in the voice I use for my mother it is not an actual representation of how she talks or sounds - -- -really. It is probably, more accurately, how she sounds in my head. Serena's impersonation of her mother sounded just like her and since her mom is from Rwanda she has a very distinct vocabulary and accent. I guess it should be also mentioned that for the both of us our mothers were yelling/nagging in our pretend dialogs.

After I was finished I turned to the other girl and said, “Okay it's your turn you try to imitate your foster mom.” She shyly looked down. I said, “Well, if I know your mom she probably doesn't really get mad, so what is something she says often.”

She perked up at that and said, “Oh I know, I know, okay here goes," She tilted her head and in a very sweet voice said, “Maybe next time honey, maybe later.”

It was perfect, absolutely perfect. I am positive that she has to hear that all the time because that little girl is not afraid to ask for the moon. She always has a great idea of what she would like to do and unfortunately in the real world has to be told, "Maybe next time."

Haven't I heard somewhere that, "Imitation is the highest form of flattery".

I love my mother, thoroughly, completely and even when she is driving me crazy. She is in my top ten people I can’t live without list, because I don’t know what I would do without her in my life.

I am not a big fan of writing cards. I find it hard and painstakingly slow. Plus I have atrocious handwriting and pretty much always misspell something or leave out a word or goof in someway so that it is not attractive. I don’t mind writing here because, hello, it is all about me and I am the foremost expert on me.

Since I am the queen of procrastination and tend to put off anything I don’t want to do I think I gave my mom her birthday card last year super late. All it had in it was one sentence. I had thought and thought and thought about it, but it ended up I had a profound realization one morning and had decided to write just that in the card.

I had been praying about something the night before and when I woke up, lo and behold my prayer had been answered. My immediate instinct was to grab my phone and start dialing to tell my mom. I suddenly realized OOOOOHHHHH bad first instinct, pushed “end call” on my phone and dropped to my knees and started thanking God for hearing my prayer and answering it.
My mom called me back and asked why I hung up on her just as she answered the phone. I said, “So sorry I didn’t hear you answer and I realized that I needed to thank God first before I tell you my good news.”

I quickly told her and said I would call her back after I was done praying. After hanging up the phone I had my epiphany and this was all I wrote in the birthday card to my mom.

“You are my best friend.”

That says it all to me, shows my love, my respect, my desire to hang out with her and talk to her about everything. I love my mom. She was the first person I immediately thought of when I wanted to share something wonderful.

“Many favors which God gives us ravel out of want of hemming through our unthankfulness; for, though prayer purchases blessings, giving praise keeps the quiet possession of them.” ---Thomas Fuller

In keeping with that quote THANK YOU mom for everything you have done throughout my lifetime, for all the little and big things, for just being there and for having me and keeping me. For loving me and in a thousand little ways letting me know that I was loved. So Happy Mother’s day, all you mothers out there. No matter what you may be going through with your kids you never know what kind of relationship God might have planned for you in the future. Same to you kids as well, sometimes it is really hard to appreciate and understand all our mothers do for us. Because I certainly did not always feel this way concerning my mom, for a time it was quite the contrary, in my rebellious teen years. I remember counting myself lucky if I could get through a whole week avoiding talking to my mom. Now rarely a day goes by that I don’t talk to her via phone or email. I can only attribute this to all the mercy and forgiveness my Heavenly Father has poured down upon me because I have better relationships with Everyone, especially my mom.

Happy Mothers day, again. I love you Mom!
"May your father and mother be glad; may she who gave you birth rejoice!" Proverbs 23:25

Thank you Jesus, for all the mother's out there. Please bless them heartily! Give them encouragement and strength to continue on giving and giving to their children and to others. Please remind them, Lord, that even when they don't feel appreciated on this earth you are storing up for them treasures in heaven for all their sacrifices and endless toil. Remind the rest of us Lord to thank our earthly parents for all they do for us as well.

Heaven helped me 5/10/09
God bless you,
Love always A
*Named changed for their protection

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