Saturday, March 7, 2009

Glittering Green Truck

It was a lovely sunshiny day as I was driving down the road and suddenly there appeared next to me the most unbelievable, glittery, green little truck. This was no ordinary paint job, it looked as if it was from another world. It was full on rainbow hologram with a 3-D multi-colored effect. Glistening rainbows kept jumping out as you ran your eyes up and down the little trucks exterior. I briefly wondered if it was a mirage or if I was getting “punked” and pranked by munchkins. It seemed straight out of “The Wizard of Oz.”

While driving next to it, I was so exhilarated and thrilled simply staring, that I decided I didn't want to peep in the driver's window and have the magic disappear. What if it was some angry ole' curmudgeon smoking a cigarette glaring at me while hunched over the steering wheel. I drove alongside it for a nice long stretch of road and just smiled and smiled. I resisted the urge to roll down my window and yell out, “I love your sparkle.”

I have a philosophy that you should always tell someone when you think something nice about them, but I didn't want to cause an accident. If I were a dog I would have had my head out the window and barked and barked away at the truck. Sometimes I am jealous of dogs with the wind in their face because they look like they are enjoying life in those moments. And because of the little truck I was so enjoying life in that moment.

I realized though that the person in the car really wouldn't get to see and enjoy all of the rainbows and sparkle in the same way I saw it. They might be able to see a little bit, glacncing at its reflection in the driver's side mirror but they could never get the full and dazzling big picture the way I did on that sunshiny day.

This truck reminds me of many people I know. I was just so happy looking at the special green finish, it made my day. The car didn't know that and had no idea the effect it had on me. I didn't even interact with it but just looking at it made me so happy.

To know even one life has breathed easier because you lived... is to have succeeded!

On a Sunday morning before church I was busy setting out coffee and donuts and looked up and saw through the glass Sarah* making her way to the door. It was terrifically windy out and she was carrying something heavy in both hands. The wind was whipping her hair all around and it was all she could do to see. Knowing that she always has perfect hair, perfectly put in place, I couldn't imagine she was happy about just fixing it for church, only to watch it blown to pieces in a couple of steps. She always has a peaceful, pleasant expression and it was the first time I have ever seen her looking a little harried and frazzled, figuratively and literally. It was only a momentary flash across her face, probably because she realized she couldn't open the door. Instantly someone else trotted up to help her. And her face went right back to it's normal warm smile.

When I saw her I was so struck with my love for her, it was such an unexplainable rush all at once that I can only attribute it to something more than just me. I think I felt a smidgen of God's gigantic love for her. I had to repress the urge to just run over and tell her how much I loved her, and help her with what she was carrying.

She had no idea how happy and how much love I felt for her in those few moments. There was no interaction... no words shared but just seeing her own unique sparkle made me feel so much. I am so blessed that there are many people like her in my life that just seeing them makes me happy. They don't even know the effect they have on me. Since they are in the driver's seat they can't see how their glittering paint and the special rainbows that reflect off of them, can touch people. Don't forget that you can be and probably are one of those people.

Thank you Lord for all the wonderful people I get to drive alongside in this life that make me smile and smile. Thank you for each and everyone of them that you have put on the road with me. Keep them shinning for You Lord and for your glory. Let them feel and know more than a smidgen of Your gigantic love. Help us to take care of our cars and keep them clean on the inside so that they can glitter on the outside for You. Let us all experience and be able to give more of Your love to everyone. Please keep us accident free and safe on the roads together Lord. Thank you for hearing our prayer.

Heaven helped me 3/7/09

God bless you,A*

P.S. I later chased Sarah* down that day and hugged her and told her how much I loved her.

*Named changed for her protection

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