Saturday, March 14, 2009

First Flight

"It is never to late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot

The last time I was on a plane for probably the 50th time, I noticed seated in front of me a 7 yr old boy. Honestly, I probably instantly started wishing I was seated somewhere far from this potential noise machine/wiggle worm. I love kids dearly but screaming babies and unruly kids in tight, confined places, where escape is not an option, aren't my idea of the ideal flying conditions. I love to be disappointed if my expectations are negative and sure enough this kid surprised me by being a sweet reminder of my own youth.

Bored, I had already pulled out a book and my mom seemed to be asleep next to me and we hadn't even taxied to the runway yet. Finally the plane started rolling and as the engines started revving up gathering speed for take off, the little boy in front of me raised his arms straight up in the air. As if he was on a roller coaster, he was all a jitter with nervous excitement and anticipation. He kept his arms reaching skyward as we ascended skyward. I think I even heard a little "wooo whooo" when the tires left the pavement and we started gaining altitude. I couldn't help but smile and be envious of the joy and thrill he found in his first time flying.

I have flown all over the world and find flying tedious and annoying. I hate having zero control over everything: from who you sit by, to what you are breathing, to what you are supposed to be listening to and or are trying to avoid hearing.

This child convicted me and reminded me that I was on a miracle of modern travel. I was on a mammoth, metal marvel soaring through the clouds and it was amazing. When had I lost the magic of it all? Where exactly did the thrill go since apparently for me “the thrill is gone”? In the hustle bustle, taking my shoes off shuffle, I had somewhere misplaced the wonder of riding the skies in a glorified, flying bus.

“It is right to be contented with what we have, but never with what we are.” -Sir James Mackintosh

I don't want to grow up if after time everything loses its luster. Will there come a day when ice cream doesn't seem as sweet and beloved cheese is not so savory? I won't let it, I will fight the doldrums of hum-drum adulthood. I will remember that little boy and the way he peeped between the seats to look at me and then shyly hid, only to look again moments later. Even I seemed interesting and intriguing to him. To his little 7 yr old self, life was fresh and new, shiny as new shoes, and what I took for granted, he saw with wide eyed wonder. All I could see were the scuffs on my bedraggled shoes. I needed him to shine them right up again by reminding me that I am still young inside and can find that freshness and beauty everywhere just as easily. I love traveling, love it! I needed to see what a blessing it is just to be on a plane going anywhere, sitting next to whoever, and listening to whatever.

I need to give a huge thank you to the big Guy upstairs for everything...everything! Life is amazing, that I am happy and a Christian is a miracle. You that are also lovers of Christ are miracles too and those that aren't yet, I pray that you will be soon.

Lord help us to stop taking for granted all the beauty and majesty in each other and in your creation everywhere. Let our focus cease to be on the negative things that bother us and instead extend our arms skyward to give you the thanks, praise and worship You alone deserve. Help us to savor every moment and experience and appreciate all that this life has to offer. Remind us always that there is so much more to come with You and that we are always young inside and we can always grow more with You.

1 Chronicles 20:10-13
10 David praised the LORD in the presence of the whole assembly, saying,
"Praise be to you, O LORD,
God of our father Israel,
from everlasting to everlasting.
11 Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power
and the glory and the majesty and the splendor,
for everything in heaven and earth is yours.
Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom;
you are exalted as head over all.
12 Wealth and honor come from you;
you are the ruler of all things.
In your hands are strength and power
to exalt and give strength to all.
13 Now, our God, we give you thanks,
and praise your glorious name.

Heaven helped me 3/16/09
God bless you,
Love Always, A*

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